Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Floods

Okay, this actually is one aspect of nature that I believe happens for a reason. I believe this is an act of God to send a message to us. What message? Based on my opinion, for us to have the discipline and responsibility to dispose of your GARBAGE properly!!!

Why? Year after year, it rains, then it floods but the people and the government never learn. Garbage leads to clogged drainage systems, clogged drainage systems leads to floods. This also leads to bigger issues. Simple equation yet the people and the goverment choose to remain blind to this.

Anyway, this is a calamity we have to endure everytime, where we live. This picture was taken using my Nokia N82 during a flash flood the week before typhoon Frank (international codename: Fengshen) hit Manila. It was a signal of things to come, yet many people failed to prepare for it (again). I hope people learn from these and the mistakes they make. Enough ranting for now.

Friday, June 27, 2008


This shot actually was supposed to include a sunset at the background, unfortunately it was a very rainy weekend when I was there last month. This shot was taken using my old Nokia N70 at the poolside of Thunderbird Resorts - Rizal. This resort is overlooking Laguna de Bay and what a spectacular view. Being a nature person, I enjoyed the view and the enjoyed the relaxing effect of the whole scenery. It brought to mind the days when I used to go trekking and mountain climbing. One of my last climbs was at Mt. Sembrano overlooking Laguna de Bay sometime in the late 90's.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Moon

A simple shot of the moon I took thru a telescope while in a beach house somewhere in Batangas. I really can't describe what I feel when I see the moon this close. I just smile and thank God for giving us a wonderful world to live in.

Speaking of which, this was something I always wanted for myself, a telescope to look at the stars. Believe it or not, I remember that I wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger. Maybe not anymore. Anyway, I got close to being an astronaut...I got to tour Kennedy Space Center in Texas way back in high school.